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Cloud Segmentation with Meteors

This notebook presents the methods from the meteors package that can be used for explaining the remote sensing models implementing the segmentation problem. In the notebook we will walk through: - reformulation of the segmentation problem into regression - LIME explanations - Gradient-based explanations on the example of Integrated Gradients

The objective of a model, implementing such task, is to divide the input image into similar spatial regions. In this case, we will focus on cloud segmentation for multispectral imagery - the explained model will simply divide the input image into clouds or terrain.

We'll be using the UNetMobV2_V1 model to perform the cloud segmentation, which is based on research presented in the paper CloudSEN12: A Global Dataset for Semantic Understanding of Cloud and Cloud Shadow in Sentinel-2.

Note: Before running this notebook, make sure to install all the required libraries used in the notebook. It should be sufficient to install the newest version of the package meteors from PyPI, as it carry all the required dependencies. This can be done with a single line:

pip install meteors

In some cases, however, a specific setup on your machine might require installing some additional ones. The cloudsen12_models module contains all the code needed for additional preprocessing and model loading. You can download it directly from the Vignettes in the meteors repository.

Table of Contents

1. Loading the Model

We'll use a modified version of the UNetMobV2_V1 model from the cloudsen12_models module, which contains code sourced from github repository xai4space/cloudsen12_models, where you can find a modification of the original UNetMobV2_V1 model implementation, which was slighlty adjusted for the PyTorch inputs and outputs and have reduced dependencies. This implementation has been adapted to ork seamlessly with PyTorch inputs and outputs, while preserving the gradients and have reduced external dependencies.

from cloudsen12_models import cloudsen12
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import meteors as mt
import torch

import meteors.visualize as vis

Firstly, let's set the random seed for reproducibility of the results

model = cloudsen12.load_model_by_name(name="UNetMobV2_V1", weights_folder="cloudsen12_models")
cloudsen12_segment_interpretation = ["clear", "Thick cloud", "Thin cloud", "Cloud shadow"]

2. Loading Sample Images

Loading the images

To faciliate the analysis and allow for better reproduction of the examples, the images used in this notebook are already preprocessed and ready to be segmented. The original image is sourced from the Google Earth Engine, from a COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED collection and a S2A_MSIL1C_20240417T064631_N0510_R020_T40RCN_20240417T091941 tile.

The image was later preprocessed according to the code from this notebook.

img = np.load("data/0.npz")["img"]

with open("data/wavelenghts.txt", "r") as f:
    sentinel_central_wavelengths = f.readline()
sentinel_central_wavelengths = [float(wave.strip()) for wave in sentinel_central_wavelengths.split(",")]

The Meteros package provides an easy-to-use wrapper for HSI hyperspectral images. To take full advantage of the wrapper's potential, we also need to include wavelengths of the object.

The HSI data object can be easily visualized in RGB format.

hsi = mt.HSI(image=img, wavelengths=sentinel_central_wavelengths)

The original image is stored in the image attribute of the HSI object. Let's now test that the model can predict cloud segmentation on this image.

cloudmask = model.predict(hsi.image.unsqueeze(0))
cloudmask_hard_labels = torch.argmax(cloudmask, dim=1).type(torch.uint8)

The model output is a 4-channel tensor, where each channel represents a different class (soft labels). To get the final prediction, we need to use the argmax function to select the class with the highest probability.

torch.Size([1, 622, 916])

Let's now visualize the model's prediction on the image.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5), sharey=True, tight_layout=True)
cloudsen12.plot_cloudSEN12mask(cloudmask_hard_labels.squeeze(), ax[1])
ax[1].set_title("Cloud mask")

vis.visualize_hsi(hsi, ax[0])
ax[0].set_title("input Sentinel-2 image")
fig.suptitle("Cloud mask segmentation", fontsize=16)


3 Model analysis

The XAI methods implemented in the meteors package are designed for creating explanations for single-output problems, usually classification or regression. However, the segmentation models ouput multi-dimensional arrays, which cannot be analysed easily by standard XAI methods.

Fortunately, using a simple trick, we can create a low-dimentional output, by postprocessing the model's outputs. The postprocessing is usually aggregation performed by the region type, and in short, it comes down to simply counting pixels in each class. The meteors package provides a simple aggregation function agg_segmentation_postprocessing for this purpose, but feel free to experiment with other aggregation functions as well.

from meteors.utils import agg_segmentation_postprocessing

postprocessing = agg_segmentation_postprocessing(

The agg_segmentation_postprocessing function requires several parameters to properly handle different model outputs. Let's examine each parameter in detail:

  • soft_labels parameter specifies whether the analysed model outputs soft labels (probabilities of pixels belonging to each class) or hard labels (one class is assigned for each pixel). In case the model uses hard labels, the shape of the output should be 3 dimensional, with batch size as its first dimension. The output's shape should be 4 dimensional otherwise
  • classes_numb is a parameter specifying how many classes are predicted by the model
  • class_axis used only for soft labels. It specifies on which axis the class dimension is. If the class_axis equals to 0, then batch size should be at the second dimension.

Let's now use the agg_segmentation_postprocessing function to convert the model's output into a single numerical output. We'll then use this output to interpret the model with meteors' XAI methods.

aggregated_segmentation_mask = postprocessing(cloudmask)
tensor([[461402.5625,  50634.7188,      0.0000,  33250.5391]],
torch.Size([1, 4, 622, 916])
torch.Size([1, 4]), aggregated_segmentation_mask.detach().squeeze())
plt.xticks(np.arange(4), cloudsen12_segment_interpretation)
plt.title("Aggregated cloudSEN12 segmentation")
plt.ylabel("Number of pixels")
Text(0.5, 0, 'Class')


The agg_segmentation_postprocessing function is used to aggregate the model's pixel-wise predictions into a single numerical output. An important thing to note is that the sum of the aggregated values is not necessarily needs to equal to the number of pixels in the image, in case there are soft labels used. In that case the aggregation function takes the probabilities of the argmax class for each pixel and sums them up.

Now that we tested how to aggregate the model's output, we can proceed with the explanation. One last thing is to properly initialize the model inside the meteors environment. This is done by creating an object that contains all the necessary information to perform an explanation, which is:

  • the forward function of the model
  • the problem type, here segmentation
  • in case the problem type is segmentation, the required parameter is the postprocessing_output, which is a method for aggregating the outputs as we did before.
explainable_model = mt.models.ExplainableModel(
    model.predict, problem_type="segmentation", postprocessing_output=postprocessing

And let's check that model forward function now returns the aggregated output with the gradients.

aggregated_segmentation_mask = explainable_model(hsi.image.unsqueeze(0))
tensor([[461402.5625,  50634.7188,      0.0000,  33250.5391]],

3.1 Interpreting the Model with LIME

We'll use the LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) method to understand our model's behavior. For a comprehensive understanding of LIME and its implementation in meteors, refer to our LIME tutorial.

The intepretable model of LIME is a linear model LASSO model with a regularization parameter of 0.001.

interpretable_model = mt.models.SkLearnLasso(alpha=0.01)
lime = mt.attr.Lime(explainable_model=explainable_model, interpretable_model=interpretable_model)

Spatial analysis

Firstly, let us verify, which image regions contribute the most to the specific class predictions - we will perform spatial analysis of the model. LIME explanation method requires the input feature space to be low-dimensional and to satisfy this condition, we will create a LIME segmentation mask, which will help understanding LIME which regions are more relevant for the cloudsen model. Please note here, that t

Now, we will create the LIME segmentation mask, and later create attributions for the class 0 - the clear sky.

We will use the SLIC algorithm to generate this mask. The SLIC algorithm is a superpixel segmentation method that groups pixels into regions based on their similarity.

Note: The segmentation mask created for the LIME method is something completely different from the output created by the cloudsen model.

lime_seg_mask = lime.get_segmentation_mask(hsi, segmentation_method="slic", num_interpret_features=50)

method get_spatial_attributes apart from the 3 required fields:

  • hsi - the hyperspectral image data
  • mask - the segmentation mask
  • target - the target index class to be analyzed: 0 for clear

takes as well few optional hyperparameters of explanations. Where one of the most important is:

  • n_samples - it is a number of the generated artificial samples on which the linear model is trained. The larger number of samples, the explanations produced by the linear model are usually better, since its predictions should better mimic the predictions of the explained model. However, the larger n_samples the longer attribution takes to be performed
attributes = lime.get_spatial_attributes(
2024-11-21 01:19:46.869 | WARNING  | meteors.attr.explainer:device:143 - Not a torch model, setting device to cpu

to validate how well the trained surrogate model predicts the explained model outputs, we can use the score attribute of the explanations:

print(f"Score of the attribution: {attributes.score}")
Score of the attribution: 0.9968178272247314

Score of the LIME attribution is the $R^2$ score of the interpretable model predictions. The value of this parameter is between 0 and 1, the larger the value the better the explanations. We can see, that this explanation is particulary good.

And let's now visualize the LIME spatial explanation.

fig, ax = mt.visualize.visualize_spatial_attributes(attributes, use_pyplot=False)
fig.suptitle("LIME explanation for the UNetMobV2_V1 model and class 0 (clear sky)")

cloudsen12.plot_cloudSEN12mask(cloudmask_hard_labels, ax=ax[2])
ax[2].set_title("UNetMobV2_V1 segmentation")


The figure above is a slight modification of the baseline figure provided by the meteors pacakge, which summarizes the spatial analysis for a specific image.

The colors in the attribution map, presented in the center, have the following meaning:

  • Red: This superpixel is negatively correlated with the input. In our case, it means that the presence of this superpixel contributed to lowering the value for the target class 0 (clear terrain).
  • White: This segment did not have a significant impact on the output.
  • Green: This superpixel is positively correlated with the output. Its presence increases the value for the class 0.

As we can see in the figure above, the most relevant regions are those with the actual clouds. This observation is confirmation that the model actually works properly - in case the regions with high absolute attribution values are perturbed, model perfoms the segmentation worse.

attributes = lime.get_spatial_attributes(hsi, target=1, segmentation_mask=lime_seg_mask, n_samples=100)

fig, ax = mt.visualize.visualize_spatial_attributes(attributes, use_pyplot=False)
fig.suptitle("LIME explanation for the UNetMobV2_V1 model and class 1 (thick cloud)")
cloudsen12.plot_cloudSEN12mask(cloudmask_hard_labels, ax=ax[2])
ax[2].set_title("UNetMobV2_V1 segmentation")
print(f"Score of the attribution: {attributes.score}")
Score of the attribution: 0.9983850717544556


For the class thick cloud, the situation is very similar. Again the regions with the actual clouds contribute the most to the prediction. This time, the attribution is positive, which suggests that modification in these regions increases the number of pixels classified as thick cloud class. This result is consistent with the previous one.

Spectral analysis

Now, we will perform spectral analysis, which focuses on different bands and their impact on the models predictions. For the multispectral images, we can analyse the impact of all the bands seperately, or group them into superbands. Firstly, let's investigate, which of the bands are the most important.

To do so, we will need to create a band mask - a similar object to the lime segmentation mask, but with aggregations in the spectral dimension.

band_indices = {
    "B01": 0,
    "B02": 1,
    "B03": 2,
    "B04": 3,
    "B05": 4,
    "B06": 5,
    "B07": 6,
    "B08": 7,
    "B8A": 8,
    "B09": 9,
    "B10": 10,
    "B11": 11,
    "B12": 12,

band_mask, band_names = lime.get_band_mask(hsi, band_indices=band_indices)
attributes = lime.get_spectral_attributes(hsi, target=0, band_mask=band_mask, band_names=band_names, n_samples=100)

Once the attributions are calculated, we can easily visualize them as previously but now focusing on the spatial explanations.

print(f"Score of the attribution: {attributes.score}")
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.suptitle("LIME explanation for the UNetMobV2_V1 model and class 0 (clear)")
Score of the attribution: 0.45737916231155396


In the chart above, we can see which of the specified bands contribute the most to the model's prediction. On the left, we can exactly see the correlation with the output and the bands wavelenghts, whereas plot on the right allows to easily compare the attribution values.

As of the paper on the dataset CloudSEN12 used in model training, for segmentation of the class clear, the experts used primarily the visible bands: B02, B03, B04, and NIR band B08. This is consisistent with our explanations, even though the score of the explanations is low.

Similarily, as in the case of the spatial explanations, we can also analyse easily different classes, by passing a different target value to the function. In this case, we will analyse the thick cloud class (index 1).

attributes = lime.get_spectral_attributes(

print(f"Score of the attribution: {attributes.score}")
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.suptitle("LIME explanation for the UNetMobV2_V1 model and class 1 (thick cloud)")
Score of the attribution: 0.32696086168289185


3.2. Interpreting the Model with Gradient Methods

To further understand the model's behavior, we can use any other attribution method implemented in the package. More detailed description of such methods can be found in vignette on various attribution methods. These methods allows to analyze how the model's predictions change with respect to the input image, usually providing a pixel-wise attribution of the model's output, showing which pixels are the most influential in the model's decision-making process.

In this tutorial we will use one of many implemented methods in the package - the Integrated Gradients, a powerful gradient-based attribution technique with methematical foundations. For detailed description of the method, please refer to the original paper.

ig = mt.attr.IntegratedGradients(explainable_model=explainable_model)
attributes = ig.attribute(hsi, target=0, n_steps=10)
fig, ax = vis.visualize_attributes(attributes)
print(f"Convergence of the integrated gradients: {attributes.score}")
fig.suptitle("Integrated Gradient explanation for the UNetMobV2_V1 model and class 0 (clear)")
Convergence of the integrated gradients: None

Text(0.5, 0.98, 'Integrated Gradient explanation for the UNetMobV2_V1 model and class 0 (clear)')


Even though the Integrated Gradient methods hasn't converged, we can read the attributions and analyze the model. The attribution visualization provides two complementary perspectives on model behavior:

Top Images - Spatial Attribution

  • Shows spatialy which regions in the image influence model predictions
  • Helps identify areas crucial for detecting specific features (e.g., cloud edges or clear sky)
  • Intensity indicates strength of influence on the prediction

Bottom Images - Spectral Attribution

  • Reveals which spectral bands are most important for predictions
  • Highlights bands that provide strong cloud/ground contrast
  • Helps understand which wavelengths are key for feature discrimination

The similar attributions can be calculated for another classes, e.g. cloud shadow.

attributes = ig.attribute(hsi, target=3, n_steps=10)
print(f"Convergence of the integrated gradients: {attributes.score}")
fig, ax = vis.visualize_attributes(attributes)
fig.suptitle("Integrated Gradient explanation for the UNetMobV2_V1 model and class 3 (cloud shadow)")
Convergence of the integrated gradients: None

Text(0.5, 0.98, 'Integrated Gradient explanation for the UNetMobV2_V1 model and class 3 (cloud shadow)')


Looking at the attribution map for class 3 (cloud shadow), we can observe a strong correlation between areas of actual cloud shadows in the original image and regions of high attribution values. Additionaly we see that in the spectral context the most important bands are the first ones, wheras the further bands are not as important.